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into life

How it Started 

I was living my dream; no job, little responsibility, having fun adventuring in the outdoors. Mostly I was climbing but; biking, skateboarding, hiking, skiing, anything human powered really! I was living out of my van, a 88' Ford Econline. On my journey, a modern day vision quest, you might call it. I had just graduated college and I was starting to wondering what to do next. Nothing was worth sacrificing my freedom or happiness over. But I knew I needed to do something to sustain my lifestyle. I realize, I wanted to do something different, create something innovative, and have a positive impact on the environment. 


It really all started after college, when I got a job working for a river sports company. Working there was fun and relaxed. It felt good to be a part of a good company with good people, not to mention gear deals. I did begin to notice that through; manufacturing, packaging, shipping, post-consumer product, a lot of waste was being created. Most of this material was not recyclable or biodegradable and it was mostly petroleum. This made me think, how many other companies have non recyclable, but reusable material they need to dispose of or just throw in the landwill? how much is single use? How could I reuse it and create things people need? Above all, how can this fulfill my passion for the outdoors and how could it be scale-able and/or sustainable. 


The first product made was a wallet, which would later be called the Original Gnarwallet. I liked the design and it was cool because utilized, PVC material left over from the manufacturing of inflatable kayaks, and reclaimed textile from worn splash jackets. I started with five colors red, yellow, blue, green, and purple. At first the wallets were more of a goof than a real product, but then people started showing interest in them. Lucky for me because the season was changing and the money was running low. That winter, I paid my first month’s rent by giving three wallets to my roommates. Thanks again!


On January 1st 2015, I officially started Recworx, with the idea that we could make all our products from upcycled and recycled materials. We have been designing and testing products for about 5 years now. We test all our products on various trips, lifestyles. Everywhere we go our products create buzz, cuz of their unique look, simple design and lasting durability. Anywhere from the ocean beachs and lakefronts to the high mountains and backwoods, our gear stands up to all conditions.In the hope that these products will help reduce landfill waste, promote contentious consumerism, create cleaner environments and preserve the outdoor experience now and for coming generations... 

Cheers to the next adventure!

Nathan MacConnel,

Founder of Recworx

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